My Aegean Journey
I start my journey and my mind is automatically transformed into a camera… Capturing memorable images and storing them under files of unforgettable memories.
The beach…As I walk along the stretches of gold, avoiding the marble-like pebbles, the warmth and dampness of the earth beneath me embraces my feet and I am immediately pulled into it’s magnificence… sinking deeper; leaving traces of my journey for the waves to wash away… While… Waves of images crash into my mind; permanent traces, even time can’t wash away.
The chain of mountains seem endless but not as vast as the ever-lasting blue they tower over. I cool myself in the sea and simultaneously bathe in the sun; coating myself in a gleaming crisp-bronze layer.
The air is so hot you can almost taste it: an authentic taste. I fill my lungs with the joy of my surroundings.
The sun melts the horizon as it sets and I reach the end of my exquisite journey.
Photos by me, words dedicated to me form Disturbed Stranger