Take A Guess
Where was this photo taken?
Lets get HIGH
Researchers found that texting while driving is more dangerous than driving while under the influence of alcohol or cannabis, a research on young drivers found that reaction time slowed by 35% when they were writing or reading text messages while driving. In comparison, reaction time deteriorated by 21% for those under the influence of cannabis, and by 12% at the legal alcohol limit.
Eaaah what?
Posted from my iPhone.
On Hold
I decided to stop smoking for a while, its just that cigarettes doesn’t taste as good as it used to and am not enjoying them like before.
So i’ll just stop for a month or so to see if regain that feeling of joy when taking that first puff, if not am moving a couple of steps up to cigars.
Photo of the day
A better reason not to park at a Fire Hydrant?
How to Jump Start a Motorcycle -NOT-
Air Naked
Fancy flying naked?
OssiUrlaub.de a German travel agency, is organizing nudist holiday flights for vacationers, naturists must stay clothed until they board, and dress before disembarking, however the crew remains clothed throughout the flight for SAFTY reasons, and will perform the person by person seat belt checks routine. Read more
Photo of the day
I wonder if Noriyuki Haga won that race..
Objects in the mirror
I was driving my mom’s Dodge Caliber today when I noticed the that the note printed on the mirror is translated wrong..!!!
In English it usually reads
“Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear”
But the Arabic translation printed on the mirror reflects the opposite, it seams Dodge used Google web translation service.
[Posted from my iPhone]