BMW Club Ghabga
Unlike many other events organized by the BMW club this gathering has become an annual event that brings together club members to have nice meal, socialize, and get a glimpse of new bikesproducts – it was the new GX450 off-road bike from BMW this year- the event was a bit exceptional this time as the guests of honor were Mr.Muhanad Al-Sultan, Mr.Husain Ashkanani, and Mr.Ali Al-Bairami…the three gentleman just came back form a 140 days trip around the world onboard their BMW R1200GS, the event was the perfect opportunity to share their adventure with club members…two female bikers also talked about their experience at TriStar motorcycle academy.
The event was sponsored by FASTtelco, Dunkin Donuts, StarBucks RPM Magazine, Bou Shahari Group, Huber Optik , Dar Al Shifa Hospital.
For event photos Read more
Get ready girls
The 696 Monster will have ABS in 2010.
In addition to the BMW YouTube Channel, BMW is launching its own video website check it out.
BMW Motorcycles Club Ghabga
BMW Motorcycles Club invites all members to the annual Ghabga event on Sunday 13th, 10.00pm, at Kuwait Hayat Hotel, the Ghabga is sponsored by: Dunkin Donuts, RPM Magazine, Dar Al Shifa Hospital, StarBucks, Huber Optic, TriStar Motorcycles, Boushehri Group.
“Members are kindly requested to come with their bikes, Club Shirts, and BMW Club card to participate in the draw on many nice prizes”
Non club members accompanying club members are also welcomed -i think-.
Yamaha R1 Rossi replica
Apart from the new suspension and colors, the 2010 Rossi limited edition R1 will have the same specs of the 2009 model…It will be priced at $14,500 and available starting Jan 2010, enough time to start saving for one.
Cool iPhone App
World’s most advanced operating system
Snow Leopard….got it yesterday and installing it on my Mini first, then the rest of my Mac family.
Will let you know how it performs soon.
The Flying Donkey
Dani Pedrosa gave us the usual bullet start today at Misano, but unfortntly he couldn’t maintain the lead because of Rossi’s pressure and some technical problems with his Honda engine -he said its misfiring-.
This is when Rossi came for revenge and he led the race all the way to the flag, even Lorinzo could not come near, Rossi had a new helmet today with a Donkey face on it….in italy -just like in the Arab world – if someone makes a mistake they call him a donkey, and after the mistake Rossi did last week which costed him the race he earned name was called a donkey but he decided to show everyone that this donkey can fly!!!
Rea the raising star
Race 1: Haga’s start was best and he managed to lead the race up to couple of laps before the chequered flag when he made a slight mistake.. Spies cut loose and took the win. Makoto Tamada got into an incident with John Hopkins shortly after the start, they were both taken to the hospital.
Race 2: Haga did another mistake but this one costed him the race, and might cost him the season, he slowed down in the middle of a corner trying to go back to the race line but Rea was coming in fast… both made contact.. Haga fell and Rea claimed the podium.
Glued for the day
1) 12:45pm Super Bike race one Nurburgring round on Jazeera Sport 2 -free channel-
2) 14:35pm MotoGP Misano, Italy on Jazeera Sport 1 -free channel-
3) 16:15pm Super Bike race one two Nurburgring round on Jazeera Sport 2 -free channel-
Timing: Kuwait local time.