I hate online shopping
Because its so damn easy, and i’am very weak when it comes to bike accessories and riding gear..i just can’t resist.
This is a Marco Melandri Italia Replica Helmet, and i just had to press: add to cart, check out, next, next, and confirm.
إلي عندو مال ومحيرو..يشتري حمام ويطيرو
Or build himself one of those.
While Supplies Last
This ad was on the back page of one of the advertising papers, i can’t believe it.
OS X on PCs -the easy way-
For $155.00 you can turn your PC into a Mac running OS X, and if you like it you can then go to the next step and buy a Mac.
“The EFi- X™ USB device is the ultimate device for all those who dream about a working Mac OS X installation on PC. It bridges the gap between PC and Mac worlds. Also, it provides the unique ability to experience an unmodified Mac OS X installation and operating environment directly on your PC.Don´t change your habits and your life for a computer – this should never be the case. Instead, let the EFi- X™ USB device adapt the functionality of your PC to improve the quality of your work and life“
Tic Tac
I don’t know why am so obsessed with coffee and cigarets these days, but i hope this will fade soon.
I found this Tic Tac Toe Ashtray at greenergrassdesign i couldn’t figure out how would you distinguish the X’s from O’s, let me know if you find out.