Taste the adventure

February 19, 2011 by · 0 Comments

The Multistrada Travel Experience is an exclusive journey that let you explore places, cultures and thrills in the most intense, exciting way possible. Six sensational adventures from the splendid cities of central Italy to mountain trips in the heart of the western Alps; from the discovery of boundless Australia to Californian on-the-road dream rides.

1-Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy
2-Spain and Morocco
4-Italy tour
5-Spain and Portugal

These rides that have the strength of Ducati passion and organised by Edelweiss Bike Travel, a motorcycle tour operator with over thirty years’ experience.

For more info on bikes, routs, and rates download brochure, for booking contact :
Edelweiss Bike Travel
Phone +43 5264 5690
Web: www.edelweissbike.com

Feeling lucky ?

February 18, 2011 by · 0 Comments

Pro Italia Motorcycles is raffling a signed Valentino Rossi Face AGV GP Tech helmet, the raffle tickets are $5 each, only 1000 tickets are available.

Raffle tickets can be purchased online, a winner will be drawn at random after the 13th of March, and Pro Italia will ship the helmet free of charge to the winner anywhere in the world.

Shaving Helmet

February 15, 2011 by · 0 Comments

What do you live for?

February 14, 2011 by · 0 Comments

Seif Palace

February 13, 2011 by · 0 Comments

You’ve got to go and check it out.

Don’t try this on a Vespa

February 10, 2011 by · 0 Comments

The New Green

February 9, 2011 by · 1 Comment

I have been asked many times about the new Kawasaki ZX10-R, but all i could say was that Kawasaki USED to “Let the good times roll”….especially that they issued a technical recall on the ZX10-R a month after it the launch.

I did not get an invitation to the launch at Lossil in Qatar last Nov, so i haven’t ridden the green yet, and i can only quote whatever is circulating around the net and what the journalists that rode it has to say.

MCN did a group test last week between the ZX-10R, S1000RR, Honda Fireblade, Yamaha R1 and Suzuki GSX-R1000, and the above video should summarize it.

Good Morning

February 8, 2011 by · 0 Comments

Anti-slosh foam

February 7, 2011 by · 0 Comments

As we ride our bikes the fuel level decreases and the remaining fuel starts moving inside the tank with the movement of the bike, each bump, jump, corner, acceleration and deceleration, causes the fuel to move and that movement produces some forces and these forces are then transferred to the wall of the tank and transferred throughout the bike upsetting the center of gravity which negatively affects the bike handling.
The anti-slosh foam is a special sponge-like material that goes inside the fuel tank and only reduces the tanks volume by 2-3 percent, but helps suppress explosion, absorb impact energy and control fuel sloshing.

It can wheelie

February 5, 2011 by · 2 Comments

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