RSV4 2011
Leaks from Aprilia hinting on Traction control, extra 8hp, and a new exhaust, but no news on ABS.
The RSV4 has very good breaks, but not having the option of an ABS system, puts it behind the BMW S1000RR and the Honda CBR1000RR.
A FAST win in a FAST race
No one was able to come close to the Ducati at Aragon today, Stoner was very.. very fast especially at the straights, the GP10 was as if its from a different class… and won a very fast race.
Despite standing on the potionm a couple of times, but this first place position is a first for Stoner this season.
Clip of the day
7V Racer
Last year i posted about this bike, but no one was sure if its only a conept or its gona hit the roads….well the 7V Racer is already at a couple of showrooms in Italy and on Moto Guzzi website …i wonder when will it visit Kuwait showroom.
Throttle Wide Open
“Best watched in HD”
Semi full throttle with traction control off on the baby ass roads of Rhodes.
Trip review
“Video best watched in HD”
The trip took around a month from August 3rd to September 1st, we spent a week in Syria, around 2 weeks in Turkey and a week in Greece.
Being on the bike made us very popular wherever we go or stay, everyone wanted to talk to us and help -if we needed any-, we made a lot of friends and went to places where tourists can never go.
It was a bit tiring but it was worth it, and i would definitely do it again, but i would ship the bike to Syria and start from there to save myself the hassle of going thru KSA and Jordan.
We left Syria Tuesday evening heading to Kuwait, all ran smoothly and borders were almost empty it took us around 4 hours to cross three border check points and reach the KSA border.
Half way across KSA -just 150km before Rafha- one the motorcycle trailer tires blow off, so we had to bring my bike down and ride it to Rafha hoping to find a tire for the trailer and replace it.
—click for more—
Goodbye Turkey
We left Bodrum 2 days ago heading to Syria, we took a totally different route than the one we took going there…the new rout is mostly highway so no scenery but good roads to fully open the throttle…at one part of the highway we rode around three hours at speeds of +220km.
We reached Iskenderun in the evening and were too exhausted to do another 200km to our home in Syria so we decided to spend our last night in Turkey at Iskenderun and head to Syria in the morning.
Not for sale
We were at a gas station in Rhodes when the owner of the gas station approached me and asked me to follow him saying he has something to show me.
Breakfast in Konya