Roar Baby Roar
Early morning on Saturday i started getting the usual SMSs’ form the guys asking me to wake up and join them for a ride, they knew i had the RSV4 Factory and they wanted to see how it performs and properly take it for a spin….i wasn’t interested in waking up early because i thought its still dusty outside, but i took a peak from behind the curtains and the next thing you know am doing +200km/h on the first curve that came my way… -it’s only when the curve ended i realized how fast i was going!- Read more
Reviewing the RSV4 Factory
Bike World brought in a demo RSV4 Factory, and i got it to test ride it over the weekend…..hope the weather gets better.
Balls Of Steel
WSBK highlights from Phillip Island
For race highlights 2 Read more
Got balls
Ride the Big Balls Trail.
Photo of the day
What’s your dream?
Aprilia gets a new sponsor
It’s Team Aprilia Alitalia Racing now.
2010 B-King
New color, and ABS -finally-.
Don’t Try This at Home