GulfRun 5 car show
This year is the fifth year for the GulfRun event, the event is becoming very popular, and better organized, the participants are 50+ thats around 10 more than last year.
A lot of companies noticed the popularity of the event and are sponsoring it…Bike World is raffling 2 GulfRun branded Vispas, and the proceeds will go to the Hayat Cancer Foundation.
The cars are heavily moded, unfortunately we can’t tell how much HP these machines can pump out, but maybe next year they’ll have a specs sheet next to each car listing the modes, HP, and breaking power.
I’ll leave you with some photos Read more
The New Ducati GP10
Claudio Domenicali -general manager of Ducati Motor – talks about the new Ducati GP10 for the 2010 MotoGP season:
“The main changes to the bike are based on the rule changes, so the major part of the work was done precisely to make it perform better using only six engines for the entire championship,” explained Domenicali. “It’s a very important difference, because we were used to using more-or-less one engine per race, so to switch from 18 engines to six is a very important adjustment. All of the main parts were redesigned – pistons, rods, crankshaft, the basics. It’s an engine with which our main objective was to minimise the loss of power to increase durability.” Read more
A bike with a Guardian Angel
Tristar gave me the new BMW S1000RR to ride on the weekend, i had to promise not to rev it to more than 9,000 rpm – a promise i broke at the first red traffic light turned green-, i don’t know where to start in describing the double RR, the bike is the size of 600cc but with a 1000cc engine, it has a very nice seating position…and all the technology that BMW is famous for -Race ABS, Race Traction Control, Shift Assist, 4 riding modes..etc -.
It took me some time to build trust in the technology and put it to the test, when i say putting it to the test i mean taking the bike to the limits…and frankly i couldn’t take it to the limit – i guess am getting old -. Read more
The best pain killer ever
It has been 44 days since i had my accident and i have been on pain killers almost every day for the past 44 days….the reason am still on pain killers is that my shoulder is still hurting and according to the doctor it could take up to 3 month for the pain to go away completely …now the problem with the pain killer am taking is that its very strong to an extend that you can’t do anything that requires concentration…its like being high on drugs, its not a bad feeling at all.. its actually a nice one, it puts you in a very cool mood, but you can’t concentrate so you can’t work, a simple task like writing an email could take forever !!
Yesterday the weather was nice, and the movement of my shoulder became much better so i decided to take the bike for a spin… i told myself that am gona ride slowly and just enjoy the sun and cool breeze…after 10 minutes on the bike the blood start circulating faster, my glands start secreting that Epinephrine hormone, Epinephrine reaches my brain…my brain tells my right hand to twist the throttle a bit more and unleash some of the 173hps’ between my legs….the more i twist the throttle the bigger the Epinephrine dose become… i start feeling better, and all my pains disappear, ahhhh i feel alive again ….my brain is clear as if i drank a gallon of coffee, i feel like a teen again…yes thats the power of Epinephrine, i guess thats why they call us Adrenaline junkies.
Long live Adrenaline, the best pain killer ever.
The New Kid on the block
Multistrada 1200 concept explained
Photos from the Ducati bike show
More photos Read more
Kuwait Ducati Club Bike Show
Kuwait Ducati Club is organizing its first Bike Show tomorrow Friday 25th, the event will take place at Chili’s restaurant on the gulf road…everybody is welcomed to join.
For more info contact M. AL Hadad @ 66670300.
Shower Power
Finaly after a month of using using wet wipes to clean myself, i was able to take a shower…..i just can’t describe the feeling of luke warm water pouring down on my head and body…..i feel alive again.
The reason why i couldn’t shower for a month.. Read more
Nemesis 2
Is the worlds foremost ‘plug in’ replacement ECU for Ducati, offering unrivalled levels of user programmability. No more messy wiring alterations with ‘piggy back’ like Power Commander systems, Nemesis-2 offers ‘plug N play’ replacement of the standard IAW5.9 ECU and can be fitted to the 749 / 999 / 1098 / 848 Superbike, Sport 1000 / GT 1000 / Hypermotard / 996R / 998 / Supersport DS and all Monster applications including S2R and S4R.
Nemesis offer a host of different maps to suit many different engine / exhaust combinations Read more