Shower Power

December 22, 2009 by · 4 Comments

Finaly after a month of using using wet wipes to clean myself, i was able to take a shower…..i just can’t describe the feeling of luke warm water pouring down on my head and body…..i feel alive again.

The reason why i couldn’t shower for a month.. Read more

Dislocated shoulder

December 1, 2009 by · 10 Comments

When i first fell the ambulance took me to Al Amiri hospital, i was examined,  x-rayed, and a doctor explained my injuries and said we might need to give you full anesthesia to fix your dislocated shoulder, then he comes back and says its better we send to the pros’ at Al Razi and they fix it for you there.

30min later am on an ambulance heading to Al Razi, once there i was examined by “senior” kuwaiti doctor the x-rayed again, the doctor decided that my shoulder is ok and its not dislocated !!!! but i know how a dislocated shoulder feel so i asked my brother to find another doctor to take a look at my shoulder, so he goes and comes back with a junior doctor -young Kuwaiti- the guy takes a look at my shoulder and the x-rays then says: i think its dislocated, but let us take some more x-rays from diffrent angles…so we did and he confirmed the dislocation then goes and asks the other senior doctor to come and reexamine the shoulder again…which he did, and again confirms its not dislocated and walks away !!!!

So we ask the junior doctor what he thinks, and he says i think its dislocated but the boss said its not, and am like a solider here if the commander in chef says something i have to obay!!

So in order not to embarrass him anymore we asked him if could just lead us to another doctor and we will ask for a second opinion, then he asks us to just wait for a while….he walks away and comes back with another doctor and a male nurse…they close the curtains and and agree on who will pull what and who will hold what…then start pulling and tilting… 10 sec my shoulder is back in place..and what pain reliever that was.

Later my brother comes in smiling and says that he just had a chat with the doctor and apparently he is also a biker and just bought his Ducati 1198 a couple of weeks back.

Thanks Dr.Bashar.

دريول وحمال

November 30, 2009 by · 2 Comments

“This post took three days to complete, as am not able to use more than three fingers”

For the past week i have in and out of hospitals quit a few times, most of them in an ambulance…now the funny thing is the ambulance crew – at least the couple i’v been to- are from different nationalities…you would find an Arab with a Philippino or Indian, the Arab can do little english hardly enough to order combo meal from Macdonalds…the Philippino and the Indian can also do little Arabic much better than the Arab english…so i leave u to imagine the kind of communication between long would it take to convey massage.

The other day my nose started bleeding, at first i thought it will stop in a minute or two, but the bleeding became worse and so much like water fountain -not joking- and since am all wrapped up and not very mobile my mom -who happened to be next to me at the time- called the ambulance…after 30min and a 100 calls to 777 telling them that i started to lose conscious they arrive and tried to stop the bleeding by using ice but after some time they realized it can’t be stopped and they need to take me to a hospital, so they take me to Al-Amiri and am in the emergency room bleeding, vomiting clotted blood, and suffocating waiting for a doctor to take a look at me, and all the nurses could do is push the trash-with their foot- closer to my bed and ask to to aim right and not mess up the floor!!!!!

15 min later an Indian doctor shows up with yellow smile asks the nurse for some gauze, stuffted it in my nose and asked why was i brought here…i should have been taken directly to the Ear, Nose and Throat hospital !!!

While he was saying that a guy comes in and ask them to clear the room and get ready for a critical condition on the way, i was pushed quickly to the next room and a couple of minutes later comes the critical condition a 103 years age man who was already dead !!!

So if you think what you see at ER episodes -medical drama series- on TV happens here then am sorry to disappoint you…and as my friend descried the ambulance crew are no more than “دريول وحمال”  and a former taxi dispatcher at other end of the radio.

To be continued…

November 25, 2009 by · 21 Comments

Last Friday i had a small accident, i fell of my bike…the road was straight and my speed was around 70-80km,  all i can recall is that i felt like i have hit something and the front wheel started shaking i tried to ease the head shake by accelerating to unload the weight of the front wheel… it worked for a couple of seconds just to come back harder than before and the bike became like a raging bull on a rodeo ring and throw me away.

I managed to stand up and walk away from the street, my nose was bleeding as i was wearing an open face helmet with the visor removed …any way i ended up with a dislocated left shoulder, dislocated right pinky, cracked left toe, deeply scuffed right knee and a broken nose…i could have avoided the nose injury if i was wearing a full face helmet, and the knee cut if i was wearing my riding jeans not a regular jeans.

Now am all wrapped up like a mummy and enjoying the pain killers high, i just realized that 5 days already passed

شدعوه يا زين

July 10, 2009 by · 10 Comments


Two weeks ago -June 27 to be exact-, i changed my Zain line form postpaid to prepaid, i was told its gona take 10 minutes for the line to work but of-course it did not, called 107 to check and was told to just give it another 30 min…one hour later and the line is still not working called them again and this time a smart guy answer and he knew what the problem was… he opens a ticket and tells me it will take up 48 hours to work !!!

Called them yesterday -after 13 days- and they go we tried to speak to you but we couldn’t..i go: don’t call me just activate the line why do you want speak me about?

They said ok fine it will work in the next 24 hours…called them again today and reminded them of what they told me yesterday and they said we are working on it and it will get solved in less that 24 hours Inshalah!!!

شدعوه يا زين…كلها كبسه زر، ما يبيلها اسبوعين

Back on the bench

June 7, 2009 by · 4 Comments


It’s been more than 6 month since my last workout, and am not happy about it… i was feeling lazy and getting my Endorphin fix from riding the bike…but now it’s too hot to ride and my body is growing boobs that looks like a pair of empty socks hanging from my chest all the way to my waist…so i had to take action.

Yesterday was my first day, and i hate the first couple of weeks…you have to take it easy and wait until you are back in shape to really enjoy the workout…am only doing 30 min on the bicycle and a one exercise for each of the five major muscles using very light weight if any.

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