I hate online shopping
Filed under: Gadgets, Helmets, Italy, Replicas, Shopping, Toys
Because its so damn easy, and i’am very weak when it comes to bike accessories and riding gear..i just can’t resist.
This is a Marco Melandri Italia Replica Helmet, and i just had to press: add to cart, check out, next, next, and confirm.
إلي عندو مال ومحيرو..يشتري حمام ويطيرو
Filed under: Crazy Stuff, Expensive, Gadgets, Green, Hot, Masturbation, Technology, YouTube
Or build himself one of those.
While Supplies Last
Filed under: Advertising, Bullshit, Explicit, Gadgets, Local, Media, Rated [R], Sex Toys
This ad was on the back page of one of the advertising papers, i can’t believe it.
OS X on PCs -the easy way-
For $155.00 you can turn your PC into a Mac running OS X, and if you like it you can then go to the next step and buy a Mac.
“The EFi- X™ USB device is the ultimate device for all those who dream about a working Mac OS X installation on PC. It bridges the gap between PC and Mac worlds. Also, it provides the unique ability to experience an unmodified Mac OS X installation and operating environment directly on your PC.Don´t change your habits and your life for a computer – this should never be the case. Instead, let the EFi- X™ USB device adapt the functionality of your PC to improve the quality of your work and life“
Tic Tac
I don’t know why am so obsessed with coffee and cigarets these days, but i hope this will fade soon.
I found this Tic Tac Toe Ashtray at greenergrassdesign i couldn’t figure out how would you distinguish the X’s from O’s, let me know if you find out.