America’s First Motorcycle in Kuwait

June 12, 2010 by · 6 Comments

Indian Motorcycles will soon be available locally, the showroom is next to Bike World showroom in Shuwikh..they have a couple of used Jap bikes in display for disguise, but soon they will be replaced with the full range of Indian Motorcycle.

Q&A on Vale

June 11, 2010 by · Leave a Comment

Q&A with Yamaha Motor Racing managing director Lin Jarvis, team manager Davide Brivio, Yamaha boss Lin Jarvis, Rossi’s surgeon Dr. Buzzi and Yamaha communications manager William Favero.

1. What caused the accident? Was it rider error or a bike/tyre issue?

Davide Brivio, Fiat Yamaha Team Manager, Valentino Rossi’s crew: “Valentino was on his first flying lap with new hard tyres. At ‘Arrabbiata 2′ Valentino slowed down to let another rider pass, because he was following him. When Valentino opened the throttle again at ‘Biondetti’, the first corner on the left, having ridden for about a quarter of the track at a very low speed, the rear tyre had cooled down and lost grip suddenly, causing the crash. When Valentino lost the rear of the bike his speed was approximately 180kph and when he hit the ground it was approximately 150kph.”

2. What were Valentino’s exact injuries? —click for more—

Now on DVD

June 8, 2010 by · Leave a Comment

Ducati The Story at Ducati Stores around the world, and online soon.

Honda u3x Unicycle

June 7, 2010 by · 2 Comments

Vale is out

June 6, 2010 by · 1 Comment

The crash Rossi had yesterday during the practice session left him with a broken tibia and fibula of the right leg, he was operated on for around 3 hours and the surgery was a success…the doctors used Spinal Block (epidural) insted of general anesthesia which means that Rossi was awake during the surgery and can see and hear all the cutting and drilling to his leg but without feeling any pain.

The bad news is that he will be out of the track for around 5 month, so today’s race at Mugello will be with out Rossi.

Race start at 2:30pm on Jazeera Sport +3.

One woman, one motorcycle

June 4, 2010 by · 5 Comments

For the 30-year-old Ania Jackowska, who travelled from Poland to Croatia, Portugal and the Middle East on two wheels, mascara is an important accessory. “I have to take care of my motorcycle, of course, but I also have to look after myself. I’m a woman and I don’t want to forget that while I am travelling,” she says. “I always take a short dress with me, too, even though I probably won’t wear it, but just to remember that I am a woman!”

Ania is a solo long-distance motorcycle rider, and went on a 10,000km journey through the Middle East in 2009, in which she explored Damascus, Jordan, Amman, Petra, Aqaba, Syria and Turkey.

“In Islamic countries, it is necessary for lone female riders to forget they are a woman and not expose their sexuality,” she says. “You can smile to other people, but you can’t giggle and laugh too much. You can be kind, but not too kind. You have to remember the cultural differences all the time in order to travel safely.” —click for more—

Shake that…

June 3, 2010 by · 1 Comment

Just came back form a track evening at the Autodrom in Dubai.

It was a open pit evening from 7-9pm, meaning you are not restricted to the 20 minutes sessions… you can go into the pit and back to the track whenever you like.

Since we came all the way from Kuwait, we didn’t want to waste anytime on the bit and we were doing lap after lap after lap in around 50% humidity and a 40c temperature -with leathers on-….we only rested for about 15min when one of the riders crashed and they had to remove his bike of the track and check the track for any oil spell.

Did we learn anything this time?

Yes we did, a lot…but the most important thing is that we need to be in a top physical condition to enjoy the track, it was so hard moving our butts from side to side after a couple of laps.. so we decided to start doing Aerobic classes… apparently all the treadmilling and weight lifting we have been doing for years is worth nothing on the track.

Feast your ears

May 31, 2010 by · 2 Comments

This is a video of an F1 engine break-in, the engine idle’s at 6000 rpm…but listen to it when it reaches 16000rpm, and watch the exhaust turn red.

Scotland Tour on R1200RT

May 29, 2010 by · 5 Comments

This videos makes me wana go places, my heart skips a beat every time i watch it.

Honest Harley Davidson Commercial

May 27, 2010 by · 4 Comments

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